Friday, September 6, 2013

Hobbit Beagle

We have a dog. His name is Henry, and he is a beagle. Beagle means floppy ears, sweet disposition, dances for food, barks in his sleep (and only in his sleep) eats everything, chews your favorite things, and destroys dreams of ever having a clean home.
This is what leaving your house for thirty minutes will do.
Then you go to say "Henry did you do this?" In a stern voice, and you get this face. and those floppy ears, and he will most likely bow his head and put his tail between his legs slowly approaching me as if to say "I was just trying to search the trash/chew your shoes/eat your dinner to show you how much I love you!" And all is forgotten as I am cleaning up, or preparing myself something else to eat.
Last Christmas I was blessed with some pennies from heaven by an anonymous group of friends. So I was able to go to the store and actually buy a toy for each of my children to wrap and gift for Christmas morning. The blessings kept coming because as I shopped around the toy store, everything was on sale. I mean not a few dollars off, but a ridiculous amount off. I managed to get two toys each for my children and a toy for my  nephew. One of the toys I got for my daughter was a Breyer horse set. It came with a barn, and four horses. She didn't seem as elated about it as I did, so they haven't really been played with much, but a few months ago, my baby Luke found one of the horses, and has claimed it as his own. He carries it around, he kisses and cuddles it. I think after seeing a real live horse, finding this miniature toy version made him happy.
The other day he found his beloved horse, on the floor, with gashes all over him, and his poor foot gone. The horse, had been beagled. Little baby Luke took the horse to everyone in the house, and grunted while shoving the foot in our faces and pointing to it. Franticly he was telling us, his horsey was maimed! 
He still loves his horse, but now we all are a bit more careful about leaving it on the floor.
So Henry, the furry hobbit, the beagle bandit is certainly a loveable dog with flaws. We love him anyways. He fits perfectly into our little household and definitely fits in as one of our hobbit children whom I will introduce you to, tomorrow.
Until then,
Mother of Hobbits

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